Lighthouse Youth Ministry
Lighthouse Ministry serves 6th-12th grade teaching its members how to handle transformative events throughout their lives and how to grow as disciples to transform the world.
Lighthouse Youth meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center at the Corner of Penelope and 2nd St. and Wednesday evening.
Acolyte Ministry
Acolytes assist in worship by lighting and extinguishing the altar candles.
This may seem like a simple and not-so-important duty but, in reality, the Acolytes are symbolically bringing the light of Christ into our worship service and then taking that sacred light out into the world.
The Acolyte Ministry introduces our younger disciples to the fun and fulfillment of service to the church.
If you would like more information about this enriching ministry, call the church at 254-939-5703 or contact Carol.