Sunday Activities
Starting at 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Available from 9 - 12 in the first floor nursery past the main office.
Children’s Sunday School room on the second floor.
Children’s Sunday School is an age appropriate and fun way for children to learn about Jesus! Crafts, games, lessons, and many more activities help the children grow and develop their faith.
Children will be invited to follow our Children’s Ministry Adults to Children’s Church right after Young Disciple’s Time and return to the Sanctuary before worship ends! There will be no Children’s Church on Communion Sundays so that the little Disciples can worship with their families.
Youth Room in the Family Life Center: Enter under the door under the yellow Youth banner and head upstairs.
First-floor Fellowship Hall
The Kitchen Class follows the Cokesbury Adult Studies. It is a lecture style class with discussion following the lesson.
First-floor where our old parlor used to be (grab someone, and they can show you where!).
Christian Perspectives Class is a book study class with DVD, books, and discussion.